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Shared Commitments

Working together as part of THN, we have been successful in lowering health care costs and improving the quality of care. We are a high performing network, and all participating physicians should be proud of the work we have done so far thanks to your participation and the care you provide your patients who are in our plans. 

Our collective success requires commitments from your practice as well as commitments that THN makes in return. By fulfilling these shared commitments, we ensure that our patients will receive exceptional care, our practices will be successful, and our health system will continue to be the national leader it has become. 

Together, through our shared commitments, we make health care better.

Your Practice Commits To:
THN Commits To:
Quality Performance
Prioritize and pursue high quality outcomes and performance on metrics
Implement Quality activities that result in improved performance
Provide you accurate, timely insight through quality performance reporting
Co-ordinate THN Quality Improvement activities with your practice
Population Management
Participate in priority population health projects or initiatives
Coordinate care with THN Care Management for select patients in your practice
Assist practice by identifying opportunities to improve patient care and metrics
Assist your practice and your patients with THN care management services for select patients
Practice leadership commits to educate practice staff about relevant THN information and activities
Practice leadership will attend, at minimum, 50% of all business-essential meetings determined by THN
Keep your practice informed of relevant THN activities
Provide your practice a calendar and list containing all business-essential meetings in advance
Document patient care on a CMS-certified electronic health record
Provide requested quality and clinical data to THN via EMR connected data warehouse connected or via web portal
Provide you tools to access clinical data across the patient care continuum
Partner with physicians to validate data
Cost and Utilization
Provide cost-effective care as determined by your specialty division
Refer within network for provided services
Provide detailed reports for cost and variation by division, practice and provider
Develop and communicate to THN providers an adequate, quality aligned network
Participate in THN-based efforts to improve patient access
Provide 24/7 after-hours telephonic access for medical questions directed to your practice
Coordinate patient access projects with practices
Be accessible to take in ideas and feedback. Contact us at 1-855-484-6669 with your thoughts.